Monday, November 23, 2015

Textile Testing And Quality Control-1 (lab) Roving

Name of the Experiment :

Determination of Roving H.K by Wrap Block m/c and Digital Balance.

Objectives :

  1. To Know about warp block machine.
  2. To know how to determine the roving H.K
  3. To know how to work in warp block machine.
  4. To know the use of electronic machine.

Scope :

  1. Testing Lab.
  2. Industry.

Laboratory Environment :

  1. Temperature should be 28°c.
  2. It should soundless laboratory.
  3. The R.H% should 75%.

Description of the instrument :

  1. Roving Package.
  2. Warp Block.
  3. Electronic Balance.

Instrument Calibration :

In this environment instrument is calibrated.

Working Process :

At first log roving package is calculated by Electronic Balance. Sample should be in gram. weight of gram should converted in lb. Then we will find M.K.

 Here :

               L   =  Sample Length.
               l    =  Length Unit
              W   =  Sample Weight
              w    =  Weight Unit

Data Analysis :

First we find sample weight in lb. Then we find out H.K by 

Then we take the reading in three times in similar way.

Result :

The Roving H.K is 1.05.

Limitation :

  1. We know standard temperature is 20±2°c but our laboratory temperature  is 28°c
  2. We know the standard R.H% is 65±2% but we get R.H% is 75%

Conclusion :

In this environment we know how to find out the roving in H.K. We also know how to calculate. Sample Weight in lb from gram. We also know how to use electronic balance.

1 comment:

  1. These are some great tools that i definitely use for SEO work. This is a great list to use in the future..
    bursting strength tester
